I love to get good things in the mail, especially when they are free! Here is a picture of today's bounty:

The Cascade Complete and the Magic Eraser were freebies from Walmart. Heather over at Freebies4Mom.com is great about posting all the freebies Walmart offers - and they offer quite a bit. Check out one such article at
Freebies 4 Mom: Walmart Freebies: Love Checking Your Mail.
The, ahem, unmentionables in the pretty package with flowers on it came from CVS. I don't remember requesting it so I think they just sent it because
I am such a good customer (yeah right). That's okay. One can never be too prepared. I love CVS, but that is another post.To be honest, I can't remember how I got the magazine subscription, although I do know it was free. I'll read it and then pass it on to my mom to read so it will be a double freebie!
Not pictured are two books I received from Paperback Swap. This is a website where you post paperbacks that you have laying around and if someone else would like a book on your list you mail it to them for the cost of media mail postage (usually around $2.50). You then recieved a credit that you can use to request books from somewhere else. I have been a member for several years and according to the website I have saved $369. If you are interested, click this link
Join our club and swap paperback books for FREE - PaperBackSwap.com and I will get credit for the referral - Thanks!
It's fun to check your mail when you know you will get more than just bills!