Yesterday I recieved a phone call from my neighbor who lives two housed down and is a fellow birder. A flock of Cedar Wax Wings had decided that his evergreen trees were a good place to hang out for the day and were flitting from branch to branch, apparently gorging themselves on new seeds. I had never seen this bird before so I was happy to add it to my Lifelist.

My neighbor also told me that he had heard that a hawk had built a nest in one of the big elm trees that line our street here in Fargo, North Dakota. I went in search of another neighbor who was able to point it out to me (it is so great to have good neighbors). To our suprise and delight, who else but mom or dad hawk was sitting on a branch nearby! I have to believe there are babies in the nest, although of course we are not able to see inside, but you can bet I will be keeping watch on the nest to see if any little ones emerge. I am sure this is the same hawk that I have seen fly past my second story window with an unfortunate (for the prey) bird or rodent in its grasp. Stay tuned for a hawk family update!

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