I hadn't even had my first cup of coffee when I had my first hawk encounter this morning. I heard a strange noise out my front door, a sort of ""
kac." I went to see what it might be, and spotted what I first thought was a squirrel in the big elm in our front yard. I realized that it was not a squirrel, but one of our Cooper's Hawks and ran to get my camera. By the time I got back it had flow off, but it had not gone far. It landed in my
neigbor's tree, and I was able to take this picture.

A little while later we spotted both Mom and Dad Cooper (I assume) fly off, so I ran down to the nest to see if they had gone back home. Sure enough, I saw some movement in the nest. All I could see was a magnificent tail sticking out the side of the nest:

I assume there are babies in the nest who are getting a meal from Mom or Dad. I stayed for awhile with the hopes of getting a better picture, but I got a kink in my neck from looking up too long! They have just started reconstruction of our street, and I really hope they won't be disturbed and decide to abandon the nest. Stay tuned!
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