I had a hawk sighting out my window just less than an hour ago. I work at home out of a second story area and my computer faces a window to my backyard, which provides me with a birds-eye view (pardon the pun) of my backyard bird friends. Mr (or Mrs.) Hawk flew by and perched in a tree in my next door neighbor's yard. It stayed there long enough for me to grab my camera, switch lenses, realize that the card wasn't in it, run and find the card, put it in, and then snap a few pretty decent pictures. It was so cooperative that it even spread its tail so I think I can positively identify it as a Cooper's Hawk for certain. Check this out and let me know what you think:
It gave itself a shake (it has been raining off and on all morning) and then it flew off, most likely on the hunt for some unfortunate small creature to take back to the nest. You've heard of a wet hen, well this was a wet hawk!

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